The Barron Park Association

Maurice Green

Jul 032022

Perry got home today from the UC Davis vet hospital. You will notice that he has been shaved on both sides – this was to allow them to do an accurate ultrasound. I am glad to report that the findings were negative (no tumor, no internal bleeding). They did some more tests to figure out why he was acting unwell recently, but they ruled out the major bad things!!

It will take a long time for his hair to grow back, so he will be wearing a body cover for awhile. (On order)

Perry is very happy to be home!!  Please visit him and be extra careful not to feed him (or Buddy) as it may have been something he ate that made him sick last week.

Thank you for your support of the Barron Park Donkeys!!

Feb 242020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are unable to proceed as planned with the Juana Run this March 28th. We considered postponing until the fall, but we saw several other local races already doing that, and given that fall is already a crowded time of year for races getting now more crowded this year, we decided that the best thing to do would be to defer to next year.

Our probable date which we are trying to lock down is Saturday, Feb 27th, 2021.

We appreciate your understanding with this difficult decision we had to make for the benefit of the community. All current registrations will, by default, be deferred until next year. When our 2021 date becomes official, there will be a period for refunds for those unable to attend.”

Mar 092019

March 17, 2019
2 – 4 pm

Multi-Purpose Room
Barron Park School
800 Barron Ave

Featured Discussion Topics:

  • Cell Towers in Barron Park
  • Bol Park Pathway

Guest Speakers:

  • Ed Shikada, City Manager
  • Jonathan Lait, Director of Planning

Need childcare? Contact: