The Barron Park Association

Mar 062017

The Future of Barron Park

2017 Annual Meeting and Potluck
Sunday March 19, 2017  2PM to 4PM
Barron Park Elementary School Multipurpose Room (map)

This year’s Annual Meeting of the Barron Park Association will feature the following speakers:

  • Max McGee, Superintendent of the Palo Alto Unifed School District
  • Rob De Geus, Palo Alto Community Services Department
  • Doria Summa, Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission
  • Lt. James Reifschneider, Palo Alto Police Department

There will be time for Q&A after each presentation.

Snack Pot Luck

Feel free to bring cookies and snacks to share, the BPA will bring coffee and tea, and we’ll make a potluck out of it! (If you bring a dish to share, please label the ingredients to help people with allergies.)

We hope you will be able to join us!

Babysitting Service

Free babysitting service will be available in a room next door, if there is enough demand. If you are interested, please let us know how many children you will be dropping off by sending an email to Gwen Luce.

Feb 102017

Our bi monthly senior lunch will be on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, at 1:00 pm at Da Sichuan Chinese restaurant, located at 3781 El Camino Real, with easy access to the parking lot at the back entrance by turning off El Camino at Curtner and making an immediate left into the lot.

The cost for lunch will be $15, including tax and tip, and we are served a total of 8 dishes.

We need to make reservations by Friday, Feb. 10th, so let us know as soon as you can if you are interested in joining us by either calling me (Julie) at 493-9151 or emailing me at

We look forward to having a great group of seniors, as usual.

Jan 242017
Amy Andonian, AvenidasPresident & CEO,
Paula Wolfson, LCSW, Director of AvenidasCare Partners,
Cindy Hofen, Managing Moves & MoreA Meet and Learn Event
Presented by Catherine Hendricks and the BPA

6.30PM TO 8.45PM

Barron Square Club House
4111 Thain Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (map)
6:30-6:50pm:  Amy Andonian, Avenidas President & CEO
Amy will present an overview of the resources available at Avenidas, and tell you about the organization’s exciting plans for future growth. The nonprofit’s innovative programs and compassionate staff—paid and volunteer—help enrich the lives of more than 8,500 mature adults and their families each year.
6:50-7:00pm: Q&A
7:00-7:30pm: Resources for Aging in Place (Paula Wolfson, LCSW, Director of AvenidasCare Partners)

  • Proactive Planning Starts Now: Organizing Important Documents
  • Do Not Go It Alone: Building Your Networks of Support: Family, Friends, Medical Providers
  • Hiring and Evaluating Professional Help in the Home: Skilled vs. Non-Skilled Care
  • Navigating Hospital Stays: How to Appeal an Unsafe Discharge

7:30-7:45pm: Q&A

7:45-8:15pm: How to Downsize/Move Out of Your Home (Cindy Hofen, Managing Moves & More)
Often times, even though you want to move,the thought of organizing and downsizing can stop your progress. Don’t become paralyzed by your belongings! Minimizing brings freedom and the items that are left are those you truly love.Whether you have plans to move in the near future or simply looking for inspiration to downsize, declutter, and organize your home, this session is for you. We’ll present tips to get you motivated and easy places to start in your home.

8:15-8:30pm: Q&A

Please RSVP if you plan to attend. REGISTER HERE


Jan 072017

Dear Barron Park neighbor,

I hope you had a joyful and relaxing holiday season and are starting a health and happy new year. I am writing this email as the immediate past President of the Board of the Barron Park Association. I am happy to announce that Richard Elder has been elected as the new President by the Board and has started in this position at the beginning of 2017. Rich has been on the Board since 2014 and has lived in Barron Park with his wife Linda for over twenty years. The Board also elected Jon Affeld into the position of Vice President.

I’ve been on the BPA Board since 2010 and President for the last three years. I enjoyed the work (and I will stay on the Board), but I feel it is important that we turn over this position on a regular basis, ideally every year. This way, new ideas and new energy are constantly brought to the fore on the Board, and no one person remains in this position for too long. Most of the BPA’s work gets done by the committee chairs and their committees, but the President runs the monthly meetings and represents the BPA toward the public, so he or she sets the tone and the pace for the BPA to some degree.

We are fortunate to have a strong board, with several new members and candidates joining over the last two years. As you hopefully know, there is a lot of activity around various kinds of events, the environment, membership development, business relations, the newsletter, our website, community outreach, and much more. I’d like to thank the members of the Board and the committees for their hard work and for their support over the years!

As regular readers of our newsletter know, I believe that the BPA has a very important role to play in building community in Barron Park. The BPA does this through neighborhood events, communication and education, and collaboration with the City. The BPA has been successful in helping to improve infrastructure, bringing ideas and concerns to relevant organizations and businesses around us, and bringing Barron Park residents together.

If you are a BPA member, you can support this work by maintaining your membership and encouraging your friends and neighbors to become members. In fact, this is the only way that the BPA can be successful. If you can do more, please volunteer in whatever capacity you are able to help. And I hope you support Rich, Jon, and the rest of the board however you can! (If you are not a BPA member, please join!)

See you around the neighborhood!

Markus Fromherz

Dec 032016

There will be a senior lunch on Monday, December 12, 2016 at Cibo's restaurant at 1:00 PM.


The cost is $20 and includes tax, tip and a drink. Menu choices have to be pre ordered, so anyone interested in getting the details, please contact Julie Spengler at 493-9151 or email at

Reservations have to be in by Friday, Dec. 9th, so let us know your plans as soon as possible.

As usual, we will be in the private room at Cibo's and our neighborhood couple, Gary and Jena, will entertain us with accordion music and lead us in a Christmas sing along. We always look forward to this event to get into the Holiday spirit.

Hope to see many of you there.