The Barron Park Association

Oct 062014

There will be a Senior lunch Tuesday October 14 at 1 p. m. It will be at the Corner Bakery Cafe, 3375 El Camino Real. It is located at the corner of El Camino and Fernando, where the Boston Market formerly was. There is plenty of parking behind the restaurant.

The Corner Bakery is cafeteria style so you will each pay for your own selection at the counter. They will deliver your order to your table when it is ready. The prices are modest and it is nice because there are no tips. You can see the menu on line in advance at

If you are interested in joining us, please notify Bob Frost by Saturday, October 11th. Please reply to Bob Frost until Saturday evening at or 493-8272 so we can make a name tag for you. If you change your plans, please call Bob by 7 PM. Monday the 13th.

Seniors Rosemary Jacobsen & Julie Spengler will be at the door to great new attendees and hand out name tags to everyone. Julie will also have menus available so they can be checked in advance of going to the counter to order.

Jul 022014

Please act before July 30th!  We need your input and advice!

Our survey will help guide the BPA’s efforts in 2014 and beyond.

In the following survey, please indicate how important each of the items is to you. Opinions on issues are not asked but can be expressed in comment boxes.

We prefer that you take the survey online at

If you prefer to mail in your responses, the newsletter version can be downloaded here.

Survey responses should be submitted by July 30.

Jun 042014

To all,

You have about five days left to join the BPA for 2014 to receive the upcoming summer edition of our quarterly newsletter, plus the other newsletters for this year. Articles will include:

Barron Park Streets Scarred by Gas Pipe Line Distribution Replacement Work schedule – Art Liberman
Art in the Park – Lorraine Capparell
Graffiti article (removal & artwork restoration, Bob Moss and Erin Castelan)
May Fete – John King
Pets article – Reine Flexer
General BP Survey (+ online) – Lisa Landers (BPA board)
Liberman resigns from the board – Lynnie Melena
BPA e-mail lists – Rich Elder
Business Beat – Bob Moss
Presidents message – Markus Fromherz
History article – (Walk through Barron Park in the 1930’s + map of the area back then) – Doug Graham
Tour de Coup – bicycle tour in September
Hannah May Allison article – Barron Park girl a musical success

We welcome local stories and artists to feature in “Art in the Park.”


Nancy Hamilton
BPA Newsletter Editor

May 172014

We need photographers for the May Fete tomorrow from 1-4 p.m. in Bol Park.

Please send me your best shots — whenever possible please get children’s names if there’s only one to three in the shot, their ages, and permission from their parents to print them in our BPA Newsletter.

We also need photographers for the BPA Newsletter. Articles would be very welcome as well. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar, we can edit them.

Thanks in advance,

Nancy Hamilton
BPA Newsletter Editor email

May 092014

We’re looking for stories/articles from our readers.

Have you or one of your neighbors lived here a long time?
Your/their story might be interesting.

Have you recently joined our neighborhood? Your story might be

Have a special story about your child? Your pet? Submit them.
Ours is a neighborhood newsletter for our neighborhood and the
people in it. Please contribute and send photos.

Final deadline is June 1st for the summer edition. Articles &
photos received well ahead of time would be appreciated.


Nancy Hamilton
BPA Newsletter Editor — email