The Barron Park Association

Mar 062017

The Future of Barron Park

2017 Annual Meeting and Potluck
Sunday March 19, 2017  2PM to 4PM
Barron Park Elementary School Multipurpose Room (map)

This year’s Annual Meeting of the Barron Park Association will feature the following speakers:

  • Max McGee, Superintendent of the Palo Alto Unifed School District
  • Rob De Geus, Palo Alto Community Services Department
  • Doria Summa, Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission
  • Lt. James Reifschneider, Palo Alto Police Department

There will be time for Q&A after each presentation.

Snack Pot Luck

Feel free to bring cookies and snacks to share, the BPA will bring coffee and tea, and we’ll make a potluck out of it! (If you bring a dish to share, please label the ingredients to help people with allergies.)

We hope you will be able to join us!

Babysitting Service

Free babysitting service will be available in a room next door, if there is enough demand. If you are interested, please let us know how many children you will be dropping off by sending an email to Gwen Luce.

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