The Barron Park Association

Sep 192012

Neighbors –  We have updated our web presence with a new website. Come visit us and check us out.

Our home page has news items of current interest to Barron Park residents, posted from time to time by Barron Park Board members.

We also have …..

  • a calender with upcoming events
  • a link to our popular BPA- email list signup page
  • a new online membership form
  • a few pages about us:  About the BPA, the BPA Board members,  current Committees and activities,  BPA history

If you register on the site, you can choose to receive email updates whenever something new is posted; and you can submit comments to the articles.

We also have a “Contact Us” form. Send us a note – we’d like to hear what you think.

Art Liberman and Nancy Hamilton, Co- Webmasters

Sep 182012
This forum is co-sponsored by the PTAs of Gunn, Terman, Barron Park and Juana Briones.
Thursday Sept 27th 7-9p
Terman Middle School Cafe, 655 Arastradero Road  Palo Alto, CA 94306
Doors open at 6:30p. Forum begins promptly at 7p.
To pre-submit a question to all 4 candidates, email question to by 5p on Wed Sept 26th. Include your name and school(s) your child(ren) attend. NO anonymous questions will be asked.
Spanish translation will be provided.
Childcare is available free of charge, thanks to the generous support of the Barron Park Association.
A Live Web-stream of forum may be available at TITAN BROADCAST NETWORK
Aug 242012

The Daily Post has an article on page 8 of today’s newspaper about protests by two residents (unnamed – presumably from Barron Park? ) over the application by the owners of the Chalateco restaurant on El Camino for a liquor license. This is the location that had previously been Taco Bell.

The article quoted John Carr, the State’s Alcohol Beverage Control spokesman, as saying that his agency has received two protest letters and confirmed that the protests are valid. The protests “argued that there enough establishments that serve alcohol in the area. They also argue that it is a residential area and that it’s too close to schools.”

Carr said no hearings have been scheduled. “Now the owners will have an opportunity to work out a possible solution to overcome the objections.”

The article also mentioned the protest in 2010 over Walgreen’s application for a liquor license.

Aug 072012

As evidenced by this picture, taken August 7th, water is back in the upstream section of the Creek alongside Bol Park, but the surface is dry by the time the Creek passes under the Tippawingo bridge.

Matadero Creek near Bol Park, August 7, 2012

The flow of water in Matadero Creek normally falls off during the summer months as runoff from rains up in the hills vanishes and natural springs dry up. Yet, in recent years, as Matadero Creek winds its way through the Barron Park neighborhood, water flow has been visible even during the summer months.

This year the water level has been particularly low. On top of this, several residents reported a sudden, overnight drop in the water level at the end of June. So, the questions are:  in these dry months, why is there any flow at all in Matadero Creek:  and why was there a sudden drop in the water level?

The answer to the first question is that water is continually discharged into the Creek from five separate treatment systems in the Research Park. These pumping stations  have been operating for over a decade, as part of the program to clean up the underground contamination caused by years of  leaks into the subsurface from underground tanks that held chemical solvents. The tanks were removed long ago, but the contamination they caused remains.

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