by Greta Gize Olbrich, Barron Park School PTA President
“It’s simply amazing to see the level of engagement and excitement with the children,” says Barron Park’s Educational technology teacher Smita Kolhatkar.Tablet computers are growing in use in K-12 schools with the spread of digital text books and plethora of free educational software. Kolhatkar is Barron Park’s Ed Tech TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment), and she’s not just for the 5th grade classes. She spends time in each grade level room on a weekly basis, using technology as part of the instructional materials. She also leads a SCRATCH club, where students create their own interactive games, videos, music, art, etc. This extremely popular club is open for 3rd-5th graders and meets Mondays/Wednesday at lunch.
The City of Palo Alto is working with Palo Alto Unified School District and the community to improve school access and commutes. The City of Palo Alto’s Safe Routes to School staff and consultant team reviewed Barron Park’s commute conditions, existing infrastructure, and suggested routes for walking and biking to school on September 18th .
City staff and the consultant team have developed a number of recommendations. You are invited to review recommendations for improvements as well as to review and provide feedback on the Walk and Roll Suggested Routes to School Map.
WHERE: Barron Park Elementary School, Multipurpose Room, 800 Barron Avenue
WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Palo Alto Safe Routes to School is a comprehensive program to make school commutes safer by combining the traditional tools of engineering and enforcement with education about road safety and activities to encourage more families to choose alternatives to driving to school solo.
For more information, contact: Sylvia.Star-Lack@Cityo