Barron Park Association

Palo Alto, California


Barron Park Association

Annual Meeting

SUNDAY, March 16th  2pm – 4pm

Barron Park Elementary School

or join us on Zoom


Welcome and Introductions

Palo Alto Mayor Hon. Ed Lauing

BPA New Website Review

BPA Upcoming Events


Music by Gary & Jenna
(starts at 1:45pm)
Come early, enjoy the music

All Welcome to Attend!

Bring Treats to Share

Perry - RIP

Welcome to the BPA

Who We Are

An organization of the residents of the Barron Park Neighborhood of Palo Alto, California..since 1926

Our focus is community service and improvement and representing the neighborhood before government bodies.

We welcome Barron Park residents, current or past, or residential property owners in Barron Park to become members of the BPA


What We Do

The BPA does all this….

  • Enhances our Community Atmosphere
  • Facilitates Neighborhood Communication
  • Pursues Actions to Insure a Safe and Healthy Environment
  • Sponsors Local Environmental Activities and Projects
  • Assists with Emergency Preparedness Activities
  • ..and more !

BPA History

Over the years, the efforts of the BPA have had an immense impact on our quality of life. Our history includes the creation of Bol Park and the integration into the City of Palo Alto while preserving the unique character of our neighborhood.

Today, the Barron Park Association remains your neighborhood advocate with the City for resolving important issues that affect our lives.

Latest News and Events

Creekside Inn Project

At the August 16, 2022 meeting of the Barron Park Association Board of Directors the guest speakers were Garrett Pauls and Jodie Gerhardt from the Planning Department of the City of Palo Alto. The topic for the evening was a proposed development at 3400 El Camino...

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Perry is Back Home

Perry got home today from the UC Davis vet hospital. You will notice that he has been shaved on both sides - this was to allow them to do an accurate ultrasound. I am glad to report that the findings were negative (no tumor, no internal bleeding). They did some more...

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Mini May Fete – May 30th

Join us at Bol Park Memorial Day, May 30th from 1 PM-3 PM for Mini-May Fete and Ice Cream Social! Music by Gary Breitbard, Traditional Dancers, Donkeys appearance and Ribbons! Join the Centennial History Walks before the May Fete at 9:30am and 11:00am click for more...

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Membership Levels

We welcome Barron Park residents, current or past, or residential property owners in Barron Park to become members of the BPA.

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP LEVELS (Regular or Senior/Student):

Membership term is one (1) year per household.


If you can provide additional support for our BPA activities, please consider one of these levels


Business members should either be residents of or have a business near Barron Park.

  • Eligible businesses are locally owned businesses (not franchises) located along either side of El Camino Real between Fernando Ave. and Maybell Ave. or within the boundaries of Barron Park (such as a home-based business with a Barron Park address).
  • BPA business members receive an advertising credit of $50 for advertisements in the quarterly newsletter for the year of membership.
  • BPA business members will have their business name, phone number and a link to their business website included in the business directory on the BPA website. 

Select Your Membership Level

Our most popular plan
Standard membership plan for Barron Park household
√ Early access to Newsletter
√ Membership in Email groups
Seniors / Students
Seniors (65+) and Students
Reduced rate for the older and younger generations
√ Everything in Member
√ Senior luncheon group
Above and beyond
For those who would like to provide extra support for BPA activities
√ Everything in Member
√ Our gratitude for your extra support
Above and beyond
For those who would like to provide extra support for BPA activities
√ Everything in Member
√ Our gratitude for your extra support
Business Member
Our local businesses
For Barron Park residents or businesses near Barron Park
√ Listing in the BPA business directory
√ $50 advertising credit in BPA newsletter