The Barron Park Association

Oct 092020

Parents and friends at Barron Park Elementary School invite everyone to participate in a Walk-a-Thon Scavenger Hunt — October 9-11 !

On October 9-11th, Barron Park Elementary School PTA is organizing a physically distant, Walk-a-Thon Scavenger Hunt weekend in the neighborhood!

Barron Park families, friends, and neighbors can help raise money for Barron Park Elementary School by walking steps while exploring for fun things in the neighborhood. The Barron Park classroom with the highest percentage of participants and steps walked will be awarded: 

How can YOU participate? – At there is a real-time overview of our classrooms’ participants. Please consider sponsoring a specific student or make a general donation to our school! Your donation is highly appreciated and tax-deductible!

– Download the Participation Package and print out a Barron Park Walk-a-Thon Bee. Put it up in your window – facing out, for anyone to see. These bees will add even more fun to the scavenger hunt!

– Print or save the scavenger hunt item list digitally to bring outside on your walk(s) the weekend of October 9-11. Enjoy the fun!!

Walk-a-Thon Scavenger Hunt participation package:

WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER while physically distant and wearing masks, we can still have a fun time walking and exploring outdoors!

—Our school will directly benefit from the money raised by this event by purchasing school supplies, help with technology resources, funding school events, scholarships, and fulfill teacher grants!

Jun 162020

During this time of shelter-in-place, Bol Park – and the donkey pasture with Perry and Jenny – has become a popular destination. The City of Palo Alto has posted signage cautioning against petting the donkeys and touching the gate as these are possible modes of exposure to the Coronavirus, but we do urge everyone to keep visiting!

With so many new visitors, we would like to ask regulars to help guide everyone on proper behavior at the pasture. Please DO step up and say something if you see something wrong! Here are a few reminders when you visit the pasture:

No feeding of anything! We feed the donkeys a balanced veterinarian-approved diet, and other foods may be dangerous, including especially apples or carrots, as Perry is missing teeth and may choke on food offered at the gate. Dozens of people come by every day, and if we allow random feeding, we would have no idea of what or how much the donkeys are eating. This was a problem for both Mickey and Niner in the past.

Do not pet and do not taunt them or throw stones to get their attention. This is their home. They will come and say hello if they wish but please respect their preference to stay away from the gate. You can see them “up close” on Sunday mornings, 10 to 11 a.m. at Bol Park.

Contact us if you see anything concerning (phone numbers posted in the pasture kiosk). We count on neighbors and passersby to alert us to any problems at the pasture as well as any injuries that you may notice.

Thank you for the love and caring and helping to keep the donkeys healthy and safe.

On behalf of Jenny Kiratli and all the donkey handlers

Keep Calm and Bray On!

Feb 242020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are unable to proceed as planned with the Juana Run this March 28th. We considered postponing until the fall, but we saw several other local races already doing that, and given that fall is already a crowded time of year for races getting now more crowded this year, we decided that the best thing to do would be to defer to next year.

Our probable date which we are trying to lock down is Saturday, Feb 27th, 2021.

We appreciate your understanding with this difficult decision we had to make for the benefit of the community. All current registrations will, by default, be deferred until next year. When our 2021 date becomes official, there will be a period for refunds for those unable to attend.”