Barron Park Association
Palo Alto, CaliforniaAnnouncement
Barron Park Association
Annual Meeting
SUNDAY, March 16th 2pm – 4pm
Barron Park Elementary School
or join us on Zoom
Welcome and Introductions
Palo Alto Mayor Hon. Ed Lauing
BPA New Website Review
BPA Upcoming Events
Music by Gary & Jenna
(starts at 1:45pm)
Come early, enjoy the music
All Welcome to Attend!
Bring Treats to Share
Welcome to the BPA
Who We Are
An organization of the residents of the Barron Park Neighborhood of Palo Alto, California..since 1926
Our focus is community service and improvement and representing the neighborhood before government bodies.
We welcome Barron Park residents, current or past, or residential property owners in Barron Park to become members of the BPA
Latest News and Events
Leland Smith: August 6,1925 – December 17,2013
A bit of sad news. Leland Smith passed away on December 17th. I saw his obituary noticein the January 11th issue of the Daily Post. None of us should be surprised, knowing that he had been in failing health. Nonetheless, it is sad to learn of the death of one of...
Change in Leadership in the BPA and Review of 2013
It has been a privilege to have been the President of the Barron Park Association during the past eight months. The BPA Board updated the BPA Bylaws this year, setting a one year term for the President. So, in that context, my period of service is not unusually brief....
Update on Matadero Bicycle Boulevard
The Transportation Division has just started collecting additional traffic data along the Matadero, Margarita Bicyle Boulvard route. This is in response to comments from the Planning and Transportation Commission when Jaime Rodriguez, the Chief Transportation...