The Planning and Transportation Commission will be holding a special meting on the proposal from the Palo Alto Housing Corporation to rezone the Maybell-Clemo project site to ‘Planned Community’ (PC).

When: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 @ 6:00 PM
Where: City Council Chambers

You can download the agenda for the Planning and Transportation Commission meeting here: May22_Special meeting agenda with embeded links. The report has embedded links to the Staff report and to the PAHC submittals that I have pulled out and listed below along with some text from the document.

Public Hearing:
“567-595 Maybell Avenue [12PLN-00453]: Request by Candice Gonzalez on behalf of Palo Alto Housing Corporation, for Planning and Transportation Commission review and recommendation to Council regarding a new Planned Community (PC) zone district and Comprehensive Plan land use designation amendment to allow a 15 single family home and a 60 unit affordable rental project for seniors on parcels having a combined area of 107,392 square feet and zoned R-2 and RM-15.
Environmental Assessment: An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration have been prepared.”
” Staff recommends that the Planning and Transportation Commission recommend that the City Council approve:

  1. The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (Attachment K);
  2. A Resolution amending the Comprehensive Plan designation for a portion of the site from Multifamily to Single Family (Attachment B);
  3. A Planned Community ordinance rezoning (Attachment A); with Conditions of Approval (Attachment D) of the subject property from RM-15 and R-2 for a 15 unit single family and a 60 unit multifamily affordable rental project for seniors, including two concessions for providing affordable rental units under California Government Code 65915.”

Staff Report with Recommendations:

PTC Submittals from the Palo Alto Housing Corporation (Development Plans)

Neighbor / Public Correspondence