The Barron Park Association

Apr 242016

Barron Park Association celebrated its first Holi Festival on March 26th, 2016. Over 200 people joined in a fun filled warm and sunny afternoon in appealing lush green surroundings of Bol Park to share vibrant colors, laughter and joy to welcome Spring!

Few of the comments we received from our contented visitors say it all:

“Very nice. It was amazing to play Holi in such a fun setting after so many years. Kudos to Barron Park organizing team and everyone else for their spirit”.

“Hello Baron Park community, thanks so much for organizing this Holi get together! We and all our friends and family I talked to thoroughly enjoyed Holi today. Everything was very well done from food to color distribution etc. Please continue involving other Palo Altans in the future years – We promise we will also assist you next time!”

Enjoy the videoclip (courtesy: Mandar Borkar), that captures the joyous moments of the event:

Apr 072016

The Spring issue of the quarterly BPA newsletter, which goes to all residents of Barron Park, just came out. I hope you enjoyed this amazing collection of articles about people, events, and developments in our community. (If you didn’t get it, you can find an electronic copy on this site.)

Are you a member of the Barron Park Association? If yes, you are one of the roughly 450 residents who support the BPA’s many activities and receive all four quarterly newsletters, not just this one.

If you are not a member, you are still benefiting from the BPA’s various community events, such as the May Fête, Movie in the Park, the Meet and Learns, monthly Community Happy Hours, and our cultural diversity events (like the very popular Lunar New Year and Diwali celebrations). You are also benefiting from the BPA’s advocacy on traffic, development, and environmental issues. All of these are just the latest of the continuing activities in the BPA’s over 60 years of community engagement. (Did you know that the BPA was instrumental in creating Bol Park, in ensuring flood control for Barron Park, and other community improvements of lasting change?) The BPA is playing a key role in making our neighborhood fun and safe.

So if you are not a member, we would like to invite you to become one. Just use this site to sign up. Please support your neighborhood association. Almost 10% more of your neighbors decided to join the BPA last year, but we are missing you!

If you are a member, please drop me a note about what it is that you enjoy about the BPA (email to: president at bpapaloalto dot org). And then tell me what more we should be doing as a community. We are one of the most active associations in Palo Alto, but I know there is more that we can do. I hope to hear from you!

Apr 032016

The next Senior Lunch will be on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 1:00 PM at the Corner Bakery. It is located at 3375 El Camino Real at the corner of Fernando where the Boston Market used to be, with plenty of parking either in front or behind the restaurant.

The Corner Bakery is cafeteria style so you will each pay for your own selection at the counter, and they will deliver your order to the table when it is ready. The prices are modest and there are no tips involved. You can look at the menu in advance by going to

If you are interested in joining us, please email Julie Spengler at or call 493-9151 by Friday, April 8th so we can make a name tag for you. Changes in plans can be made up until 10 AM the morning of the lunch by calling Rosemary Jacobsen at 493-9152.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Jan 302016

Our bi monthly senior lunch will be on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at 1:00 pm at Da Sichuan Chinese restaurant, located at 3781 El Camino Real, with easy access to the parking lot at the back entrance by turning off El Camino at Curtner and making an immediate left into the lot.

The cost for lunch will be $15, including tax and tip, and we are served a total of 8 dishes.

We need to make reservations by Friday, Feb. 5th, so let us know as soon as you can if you are interested in joining us by either calling me (Julie) at 493-9151 or emailing me at

We look forward to having a great group of seniors, as usual.

Nov 272015

There will be a senior lunch on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at Cibo’s restaurant, 3398 El Camino Real,  at 1:00 PM.

The cost is $21 and includes tax, tip and a drink.  Menu choices have to be pre ordered, so anyone interested in getting the details, please contact Julie Spengler at 493-9151 or email.

Reservations have to be in by Friday, Dec. 4th, so let us know your plans as soon as possible.

As usual, we will be in the private room at Cibo’s and our neighborhood couple, Gary and Jena, will entertain us with accordion music and lead us in a Christmas sing along.  We always look forward to this event to get into the Holiday spirit.

Hope to see many of you there.