The Barron Park Association

Nov 032012

Lynnie Melena and Art Liberman

At the October meeting of the Barron Park Association Board, the Board voted to host a community meeting on the proposed redevelopment of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (on Los Robles near El Camino). The purpose of the community meeting would be to have the developer present his proposal and for the City to provide information on the zoning regulations and review process. The meeting would also address issues related to closing the mobile home park—which would be necessary for the redevelopment to go forward.

On Monday, October 29, we met with the two representatives from Prometheus Development, Jon Moss and Nathan Tuttle, to discuss the idea of a community meeting in Barron Park—which Prometheus is generally open to. However, the mobile home closure process, which they are not directly participating in, comes first.

According to Jon Moss, and as confirmed by Planning Director Curtis Williams, Mr. Jisser, who owns the property, has just recently filed an application with the City to start the mobile home closure process per the City ordinance. Williams said that the City will be sending a (bilingual) letter to the residents informing them of the application and the next steps, and that the applicant intends to schedule a few meetings with the residents to respond to questions (reportedly “in the next month”). The meetings are not required by the ordinance, but City staff will attend the meetings.

Since the meetings with tenants are likely to be held in November, and could answer many questions about the mobile home ordinance closure process, the BPA-sponsored community meeting will not be held until after the first of the year. We are hoping that the City will not schedule its planned study session until after the community meeting.

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Sep 272012

Note : This is a guest post by Barron Park resident Winter Dellenbach, who came to a BPA Board meeting on September 14th and presented her views to the Board about the possible redevelopment of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park. The views expressed are her own and do not indicate that a position on this issue has been taken by the BPA Board or by the BPA itself. When (or if) the developer contacts the BPA Board or comes to a BPA Board meeting to discuss the proposal, we will publish a note with information they provide us.

By Winter Dellenbach, La Para Ave.

Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (BV) may be sold and redeveloped, with the many residents forced out of their homes. Here is what is known about the proposal and the effect it would have on the residents.

How Most Long Term Mobile Home Parks Work 
A resident usually owns their mobile home; sometimes it is rented. In either case, rent is paid monthly for the space the home occupies. In principle, when a resident moves, they take their mobile home with them to relocate in another park, but there are 2 problems with this. One is that their mobile home may no longer be mobile. It may have been in one place so long that it just isn’t road worthy. Second, if a mobile home is road worthy, there will almost certainly be no empty spaces available in other mobile home parks. Since mobile home parks are among the most affordable housing anywhere, vacancies are at a premium and almost impossible to come by. The BV property is currently home to 104 mobile homes, 12 studio apartments or cabins and a single-family residence. So, if BV closes, there will be a couple hundred people that will lose their housing with very limited options.
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