by lisa landers | Mar 8, 2018 | BPA Affairs, Feature, Social Events
Sunday, March 18, 2018, 2-4 p.m. Barron Park Association Annual Meeting and Potluck! Barron Park Elementary School, Multi-Purpose Room 800 Barron Avenue Featured topic: Emergency Preparedness and Safety with special guest Police Chief Robert Jonsen Join us for...
by Maurice Green | Jan 7, 2017 | BPA Affairs, Feature
Dear Barron Park neighbor, I hope you had a joyful and relaxing holiday season and are starting a health and happy new year. I am writing this email as the immediate past President of the Board of the Barron Park Association. I am happy to announce that Richard Elder...
by Maurice Green | Jul 3, 2016 | BPA Affairs, City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Feature, Parks and Creeks
As many residents know, the City of Palo Alto is working on a 25-year Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Master Plan for Palo Alto, including Bol Park. For each park, the city is proposing a variety of upgrades in response to today’s requirements and interests...
by Maurice Green | Apr 7, 2016 | BPA Affairs
The Spring issue of the quarterly BPA newsletter, which goes to all residents of Barron Park, just came out. I hope you enjoyed this amazing collection of articles about people, events, and developments in our community. (If you didn’t get it, you can find an...
by Maurice Green | Sep 14, 2015 | BPA Affairs
(This is an updated version of my Summer 2015 BPA Newsletter column.) In the right context, good ideas beget more good ideas. In the BPA, we are seeing the evidence this year with the emergence of a number of new events and volunteers for the BPA. Two years ago,...
by Maurice Green | Jun 11, 2015 | BPA Affairs
Please join us for the BPA Community Happy Hour Every month on the third Tuesday, 5-6pm at Cibo (bar area) The BPA Community Happy Hour is an informal gathering for Barron Park residents to meet neighbors, discuss current affairs and new ideas, and meet BPA Board...