Agenda:  BPA Board Meeting:  Tuesday, 10/16/12, 7:30 p.m.


Location:  Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room)


Guests are welcome, but are requested to notify the BPA President so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you (seating and possibly reordering of the agenda).


Questions about agenda items should be directed to the person/people whose name is next to that entry.  Comments about items can be sent to that person, or the whole BPA Board ( )


Disclaimer:  Agenda is subject to change.

Anticipated absences (excused):  Markus Fromherz, Art Liberman


Call to order:.

  1. Agenda Changes (3 minutes)
    1. Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)
  2. Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Redevelopment (20 minutes) (Lynnie Melena)  Over the past month, and specifically at the last meeting, there has been a lot of discussion about this proposed project.  There are issues with impacts on the neighborhood and displacement of current residents (discussed at the last meeting). Is the Board interested in hosting a community meeting to which we would invite the developers to present their plans, and questions could be answered? (The City Council will be holding a study session on this project, possibly in late November.)
  3. Temporary Restrooms at Bol Park (10 minutes) As part of a long email discussion on restrooms at Bol Park, a suggestion was made for the Barron Park Association to pay for porta-potties to be installed on a trial basis to see how they are received. This will not be a discussion about permanent restrooms.
  4. Recap of 2012 Quakeville (5 minutes) (Lydia Kou) Quakeville was held in September. Lydia was the key organizer and has received high praise.
  5. New Board Members and Officers (10 minutes) (Lynnie Melena) Update on recruitment efforts. Lynnie wishes to resign as President—preferably by March 1, which is the official start date for new terms.
  6. Status reports and updates on these items are being handled primarily through e-mail.  Opportunity for direction and interactions. (5 minutes)

Green Team:  Doug Graham will be giving a talk on Barron Park creeks on November 8 in the multi-purpose room.  And the Green Team is sponsoring another native planting at Bol Park  on November 10.

Zoning and Land Use


Civic Affairs


Native planting—Bike path, Strawberry Hill, Matadero Creek


  1. Introduction of items for future agendas (5 minutes)


  1. Adjourn:  NEXT MEETING November 18, 2012.


  1. Total scheduled time:  60 minutes