Age in Place or Make a Move?

Age in Place or Make a Move?

Speakers: Amy Andonian, AvenidasPresident & CEO, Paula Wolfson, LCSW, Director of AvenidasCare Partners, Cindy Hofen, Managing Moves & MoreA Meet and Learn Event Presented by Catherine Hendricks and the BPA             TUESDAY,...

Our History

Over the years, the efforts of the BPA have had an immense impact on our quality of life. Our history includes the creation of Bol Park and the integration into the City of Palo Alto while preserving the unique character of our neighborhood. Today, the Barron Park...

What We Do

The BPA does all this…. Enhances our Community Atmosphere Facilitates Neighborhood Communication Pursues Actions to Insure a Safe and Healthy Environment Sponsors Local Environmental Activities and Projects Assists with Emergency Preparedness Activities ..and more...

Who We Are

An organization of the residents of the Barron Park Neighborhood of Palo Alto, California..since 1926 Our focus is community service and improvement and representing the neighborhood before government bodies. JOIN THE BPA TODAY