The Barron Park Association

art liberman

Barron Park Lunar New Year Celebration

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Jan 212013

……. from BPA Board member Lydia Kou,

The Barron Park Association would like to invite all  members of our neighborhood community to the Barron Park Lunar New Year Celebration, scheduled for Saturday, February 9, from 2 to 4 p.m., at the Barron Park School Multi-Purpose Room.


The event will feature a local prestigious Lion Dance acrobatic troupe!  Community and friendship are based on everyone lending a hand and we are counting on members of  our neighborhood to bring some special holiday foods to share that will add to the festivities.  This link,  Barron Park Lunar New Year Celebration, is to a Jooners online sign-up sheet on which you and others in the neighborhood can sign up to contribute something to our celebration of the Lunar New Year. If what you would like to contribute is not on the list, please let us know or add to the Jooners sheet.

Jan 202013

…..from Marlo Kitch

A group of Barron Park families are hosting our 2nd Annual National Service Day Bake Sale in Bol Park this Monday, January 21st between 12:30 and 4. 

Please come enjoy some treats and support the InnVision Opportunity Center in Palo Alto (Palo Alto’s only long term housing for the homeless).  All the proceeds from the bake sale will be donated to the Children’s Activity Program at the Opportunity Center.  We hope you will come to the park to join our community in making this National Service Project a success!!

Jan 172013
.. by Greta Gize Olbrich
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the recipients of the Scientific and Technical Achievements earlier in January, and two of the winners have connections to Palo Alto. Lawrence Kesteloot (San Francisco)Drew Olbrich (Palo Alto – Barron Park Resident), and Daniel Wexler (Soda Springs – Gunn High graduate) will receive an Academy Award for Technical Achievement for their creation of the Light system for computer graphics lighting at PDI/DreamWorks.  Kesteloot, Olbrich, andWexler will be honored for their achievement in filmmaking  at the annual Scientific and Technical Awards Presentation in Beverly Hills on February 9, two weeks prior to the televised Academy Awards.

Kesteloot, Olbrich, and Wexler worked at PDI/DreamWorks for a number of years when the office was located on Park Ave. in Palo Alto, near the Fry’s building, before its move to Redwood City off Seaport Blvd. PDI/DreamWorks’ Light system has been used to make several of DreamWorks’ most successful films such as the Shrek and Madagascar series. The first Shrek movie won the Academy Award for Best Animated Picture in 2002. One of Palo Alto’s Bol Park Donkeys was used as model for the donkey character, which was voiced by Eddie Murphy. Bol Park is right around the corner from Barron Park School, where Drew Olbrich’s children attend school.

More about the Light System:

The Light System is virtually unchanged from its original incarnation over 15 years ago, and is still in continuous use due to its emphasis on interactive responsiveness, final–quality interactive render preview, scalable architecture and powerful user–configurable spreadsheet interface.

Unlike other Academy Awards, achievements receiving Scientific and Technical Awards need not have been developed and introduced during 2012. Rather, the achievements must demonstrate a proven record of contributing significant value to the process of making motion pictures.

For more information, please see:


BPA Board Meeting Agenda

 BPA Board Agendas and Minutes  Comments Off on BPA Board Meeting Agenda
Jan 142013

Agenda:  BPA Board Meeting:  Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 7:15  p.m.

Location:  Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room)

Guests are welcome, but are requested to notify the BPA President so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you (seating and possibly reordering of the agenda).

Questions about agenda items should be directed to the person/people whose name is next to that entry.  Comments about items can be sent to that person, or the whole BPA Board ( )

Disclaimer:  Agenda is subject to change.

Anticipated absences (excused):

Call to order:

1.            Agenda Changes (3 minutes)

2.            Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)

3.            Brief Report on Status of Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (10 minutes) Lynnie Melena and Art Liberman.

4.            Annual Meeting (15 minutes).  (Lynnie MelenaMake a decision on the main event for the annual meeting and finalize date. Lynnie will handle the room reservation, the postcards and email announcement and make up the agenda. Other Board members will be responsible for other tasks, including creating and distributing neighborhood signs, managing refreshments, setting up and taking down chairs and PA system and arranging for child care if that is desired.

5.            New Board Members and Officers (10 minutes) (Lynnie MelenaDiscuss progress on recruiting new members and reminder that new officers are needed for president and secretary.  At the very least, a new secretary is needed immediately as Linda Elder is resigning that position.

6.             Agenda Setting (5 minutes) (Christian KalarDiscuss how the agenda is set for each meeting.  Current practice is for the president to send out a draft to the Board on Friday or Saturday and to request additions and corrections by Sunday evening. (Continued from November meeting.)

7.            Status reports and updates on these items are being handled primarily through e-mail.  Opportunity for direction and interactions. (5 minutes)

  •  Green Team
  •   Zoning and Land Use ( Community Meeting on proposed senior housing at Clemo and Maybell, Wednesday, January 16, 6:30 p.m., Arastradero Park apartments)
  •    Traffic
  •    Civic Affairs
  •    Environmental
  •    Native planting—Bike path, Strawberry Hill, Matadero Creek

 8.         Proposals for  items for future agendas (5 minutes). These items are awaiting space on a future agenda:

  •  Review of the BPA as sponsor organization of a Boy Scout Troop (Art Liberman)
  •   Establishment of policy on authorizing funds for non-BPA organizations and events (Art Liberman)
  •   Job Description for Business Liaison (Markus Fromherz)
  •   Reconsideration of policy on BPA email lists (Lydia Kou)

9.            Adjourn:  NEXT MEETING February 19, 2013. (Lynnie will be absent.)

10.        Total scheduled time:  55 minutes