A change to the section of our bylaws that relates to the election and term of office of the President and Vice President of the Association was approved by the BPA Board at its meeting on March 19, 2013.

The essence of the change is that the President and Vice President shall be elected in November of each year for a term of one year, beginning January 1 of the following year.  The new bylaws provide a clear succession plan. When the President steps down, the Vice President automatically becomes President for the following term and a new person is elected as Vice President.

This change was made, in part, as an inducement for current Board members to accept a leadership role of the BPA, knowing their term of service as President would be limited.  Also, the Vice President and President would work together, familiarizing the Vice President with work of the President on current issues and comfortably allowing him/her to step into the role of President at the end of the year.

A link to the full text of our bylaws is at the bottom of the About the BPA page.  You can also find at the bottom of this page links to other BPA policies.