1)  Proposed Project at 4146 El Camino Real

PASZ Website explains proposed 21-condo project at 4146 El Camino Real (near Barron Square and Maybell Avenue)


2) Housing Element Community Panel Meeting

(Public comments expected during final 15 minutes)

Thursday June 26, 2014
Lucie Stern Center-Community Room
1305 Middlefield Road
4:30 TO 6:30 pm


3)  City of Palo Alto Alternative Futures Forum

Tuesday, June 24, from 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Elk’s Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real

YOUR ideas needed to help design Palo Alto’s future.

We will recap the previous two meetings and discuss potential alternatives to the “what happens if we do nothing” scenario.  This interactive meeting will give participants the chance to help design possible futures for Palo Alto.

Did you miss the first two meetings?  Catch up on what you missed by visiting our website and participate in the online version of the Critical Issues Forum.
