In 2012,  the Welcome Committee  (chair: Gwen Luce email)  has distributed more than 30 Greeting Packets to New Residents in Barron Park  along with this letter….

Dear New Resident(s),

WELCOME to BARRON PARK!*!*! We hope that you will find the following items in our Greeting Packet useful:

All residents receive the Spring issue of the Barron Park Association Newsletter but you must join the BPA and become a member to receive the other issues (quarterly). A recent issue is included for you to sample, along with a membership form and an info sheet about the BPA. To be sure you receive future information, please send me an email or call me with your names and addresses for our BPA database. : )

One of the BPA’s functions is to foster communication within our community. We maintain several widely used email lists. Go to our website,,  and click on the “BPA Email Lists” link to sign up. Our website has timely articles and archives of previous newsletters, important information and links to community resources. If you would like, we can post a short note about your arrival in Barron Park; if this is something you would like to do, send me an email.

The Palo Alto Weekly’s Resource Guide Info Palo Alto (once a year) will come to you, along with the Weekly (each Friday), by mail.

The map of Barron Park is often a handy thing to help you get your bearings. (Note that the current map may not reflect recent new construction changes.)

Materials, provided by the Palo Alto Office of Emergency Services, provide tips on preparing for emergencies.

If you have any questions, feel free to call on us or others listed in the packet.

Welcome once again,

Gwen Luce email and your Personal Greeter. . . . . .