
We do not have a Seniors Committee Chair. Bob Frost, with help from Julie Spengler and Rosemary Jocobsen, volunteers to coordinate bi-monthly lunches for seniors. These are usually held on the 2nd Tuesday in one of the local restaurants. However, the June and August ones are picnics in Bol Park with Driftwood Market delivering box lunches.

The Membership Chair (Art Liberman) sends Bob a spreadsheet with contact information for all those who have signed up to the BPA as senior members. Nevertheless, seniors who wish to participate in the lunch program should contact Bob directly either by email or phone. The BPA calendar on the BPA website, contains the date, time and location regarding the lunches, so any interested senior who is not already on the current “Senior Lunch List” held by Bob should contact Bob directly.

Bob, Rosemary, Julie and other volunteers contact people using both email (for those that have email and want to be contacted that way) and a phone chain. About a week prior to a lunch date, Bob sends out a notice of the lunch details (time, place, price & menu items to pre-order) to the email addresses of the senior lunch participants and to the phone callers. Bob tabulates the responses from the emails and the phone callers and forwards the information to Rosemary Jacobsen who places the orders with Driftwood or the restaurant.