BPA Committees

Barron Park Association has a number of committees, consisting of BPA Board members and community volunteers, that provide ongoing support and action in several areas. We hope you will join us and participate in one or more of these committees and contribute to your community.

May Fete Help organize and oversee our annual celebration of spring with a family social gathering in Bol Park
Social Events
Work with a group of volunteers to coordinate other neighborhood gatherings during the year
Welcoming Greet new residents with an informational packet and welcome them to our community
Parks and Creeks Monitor the health of the parks and creeks in Barron Park. Work with the City, Santa Clara Valley Water District and the neighborhood to review park and creek issues, maintenance needs and improvement projects.
Seniors Organize bi-monthly lunches and other activities to enhance the social interaction of Barron Park seniors
Neighborhood Safety and Emergency Preparedness Educate residents about preparing for an emergency, such as an earthquake. Work with the network of block and neighborhood coordinators who are trained to prepare the neighborhood to handle major emergencies
Traffic and Streets Work with the City and neighborhood to review traffic issues, evaluate options and present plans to the City for traffic calming and other safety-related changes within Barron park and on adjacent major streets.
Environmental Issues Monitor other activities that could affect our water and air quality; join a team of residents to foster the understanding for energy and resource conservation through collective actions
Zoning and Land Use Be informed about urban design studies and of multi-family, commercial or mixed use developments proposed in our neighborhood – attend City meetings to review project plans and provide input to project sponsors
School Liaison Coordinate BPA affairs with activities and issues at our neighborhood schools
Barron Park Business Liaison Connect to businesses in the Barron Park area, represent business concerns to BPA and vice versa, set BPA policies regarding membership, ad rates, and other items
Email Oversight
Supervise the management of the BPA Email Lists