The old Matadero water well site has been getting a complete makeover thanks to the City’s decision to use this well as part of the system that would provide emergency water to the public in the event of a natural disaster and a cutoff of the Hetch Hetchy supply. The project has required the BPA to put on hold its plan to beautify the area adjacent to the well site that included placing some benches.
The site along Matadero, near the intersection with Josina, is currently an eyesore. A photo taken today shows some very large white pipes and associated plumbing systems, surrounded by construction forms where a concrete pad is about to be poured. Once in place, the pad will support a number of large electrical control cabinets, and the entire site will be enclosed by a new wire fence.

Matadero Well Site – July 30, 2012
However, the appearance of the pipes and pumps and cabinets will be enhanced once all equipment is in place, thanks a group of determined BPA Board members, led by President Lynnie Melena. What most people wanted was for the site to blend as much as possible into the greenery of the Creekside landscape. From the time the project was initiated, Lynnie has pushed the City’s Utility Department to include some aesthetic treatments. Â While they said there were no funds in the budget for this purpose, they have agreed to use an appropriate and appealing color. Everything will be a forest GREEN. The pipes will be painted, the equipment cabinets will be a matching color, as will the plastic coated wire fencing.
We don’t have a date when the project will be completed. It has gone on well beyond initial estimates. We have been told that the City wants to turn on the equipment in a few weeks to be sure everything is working. Let’s hope the GREENING of the site will not be far behind.
Art Liberman