Agenda: BPA Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 7:15 p.m.
Location: Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room)
Guests are welcome, but are requested to notify the BPA President so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you (seating and possibly reordering of the agenda).
Questions about agenda items should be directed to the person/people whose name is next to that entry. Comments about items can be sent to that person, or the whole BPA Board ( )
Disclaimer: Agenda is subject to change.
Anticipated absences (excused):
Call to order:
1. Agenda Changes (3 minutes)
2. Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)
3. Brief Report on Status of Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (10 minutes) Lynnie Melena and Art Liberman.
4. Annual Meeting (15 minutes). (Lynnie Melena) Make a decision on the main event for the annual meeting and finalize date. Lynnie will handle the room reservation, the postcards and email announcement and make up the agenda. Other Board members will be responsible for other tasks, including creating and distributing neighborhood signs, managing refreshments, setting up and taking down chairs and PA system and arranging for child care if that is desired.
5. New Board Members and Officers (10 minutes) (Lynnie Melena) Discuss progress on recruiting new members and reminder that new officers are needed for president and secretary. At the very least, a new secretary is needed immediately as Linda Elder is resigning that position.
6. Agenda Setting (5 minutes) (Christian Kalar) Discuss how the agenda is set for each meeting. Current practice is for the president to send out a draft to the Board on Friday or Saturday and to request additions and corrections by Sunday evening. (Continued from November meeting.)
7. Status reports and updates on these items are being handled primarily through e-mail. Opportunity for direction and interactions. (5 minutes)
- Green Team
- Zoning and Land Use ( Community Meeting on proposed senior housing at Clemo and Maybell, Wednesday, January 16, 6:30 p.m., Arastradero Park apartments)
- Traffic
- Civic Affairs
- Environmental
- Native planting—Bike path, Strawberry Hill, Matadero Creek
8. Proposals for items for future agendas (5 minutes). These items are awaiting space on a future agenda:
- Review of the BPA as sponsor organization of a Boy Scout Troop (Art Liberman)
- Establishment of policy on authorizing funds for non-BPA organizations and events (Art Liberman)
- Job Description for Business Liaison (Markus Fromherz)
- Reconsideration of policy on BPA email lists (Lydia Kou)
9. Adjourn: NEXT MEETING February 19, 2013. (Lynnie will be absent.)
10. Total scheduled time: 55 minutes
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