Chief Donkey Handler Bob Frost reports some good news :

“It took a while, but Perry is well on the way to recovery, enjoying grazing at Bol Park Sundays, and other midweek walks. Our plea is for dog owners to keep dogs leashed when within view of the donkey pasture/corral.”   

Doug Moran had posted this summary of the incidents in which Perry was injured. Bob says the owner of the dog that bit Perry will cover all medical expenses resulting from the incidents. In addition, Palo Alto Animal Control has assurances that the dog who bit the donkeys was removed to a place far from Palo Alto.

Bob reports that Perry’s recovery was helped by about 10 donations (through Acterra: see the bottom of this post to see how you can donate to the donkey care and upkeep)  that ranged from $15 to $135, along with notes of good wishes. The following note is an example of the community’s feelings about Perry’s injury and hopes for his swift recovery:

Jazz Pharma Walking Group members expressed their wishes for Perry’s recovery


How to Contribute to Donkey Care and Upkeep:

The Donkey’s official owner is ACTERRA (the Palo Alto Donkey Project), who graciously provides insurance and tax deductibility of donations collected to cover the cost of food and farrier and vet bills.

If you would like to help provide food, shelter and vet care for the donkeys, your tax deductible donation must be made out to

ACTERRA — Palo Alto Donkey Fund – (ACTERRA must be included), and sent to:
The Palo Alto Donkey Project
3931 E. Bayshore Rd.,
Palo Alto, CA 94303.

Phone: (650) 962-9876