Latest News and Events
Barron Park May Fete 2019
THE BARRON PARK MAY FETE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO MONDAY MAY 27, 2019 (MEMORIAL DAY) This year Barron Park celebrates the 41st Anniversary of May Fête! Enjoy live music and dancers performing all afternoonA community Maypole Dance at 2:30, Wear ribbons!Bring family,...
Goodwill Fill-a-truck Fundraiser for Barron Park Elementary School
Your Clutter = Cash for our Public School! On Sunday, May 12 between 9am-3pm bring your re-usable items to Barron Park Elementary School (800 Barron Ave) to donate to the Goodwill and raise money for our PTA. For every truck filled, the Goodwill of Silicon...
Barron Park Annual Meeting & Potluck
SUNDAYMarch 17, 20192 – 4 pm Multi-Purpose RoomBarron Park School800 Barron Ave Featured Discussion Topics: Cell Towers in Barron ParkBol Park Pathway Guest Speakers: Ed Shikada, City ManagerJonathan Lait, Director of Planning FREE COFFEE/TEA AND SNACK POTLUCKNeed...
Who We Are
An organization of the residents of the Barron Park Neighborhood of Palo Alto, California..since 1926
Our focus is community service and improvement and representing the neighborhood before government bodies.
We welcome Barron Park residents, current or past, or residential property owners in Barron Park to become members of the BPA
Support Barron Park Businesses
The BPA believes that local businesses are an integral part of our community. We try to promote and drive awareness of the products and services that are offered by our local neighborhood Business Members.