BPA Board Meeting Agenda

Date– Tuesday February 19th
Time – 7:15 PM
Place – Barron Park School, Room 2 (former kindergarten room)

Barron Park residents are welcome to attend, but are requested to notify me (art_liberman@yahoo.com) or the BPA president (president@bpapaloalto.org) so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you (seating and possible reordering of the agenda).
Anticipated absences: Lynnie Melena, Lydia Kou

1. Volunteer (or Assignment) of Secretary to take minutes for this meeting :

  • Review minutes of January BPA Board meeting
  • Additions or Changes to Agenda

2. Announcements and brief items : 5 minutes

  • March 1 deadline for BPA ‘push’ newsletter (Nancy)
  • March 24 Indian Holi Celebration at Bol Park, from 1 to 3 PM (from Lydia)
  • May Fete: Scheduled for May 19th (John)

3. Presidential Job Description and Change to Presidential Succession (Markus) – 30 minutes

  • We will discuss these two issues in sequence. Lynnie has announced that she will resign following the June meeting and no one has come forward to volunteer as successor. Markus has proposed a change to the by-laws.

4. Board policy for BPA funding of non-BPA events and activities. (Art) – 10 minutes

  • The purpose is to establish a policy for providing funding to non-BPA groups. This includes extending our insurance coverage to groups holding meetings in PAUSD buildings. A request was received from Annette Puskarich to extend our insurance coverage for a movie evening event sponsored by the BP Green Team

5. Board Member Discussion of some issues that arose during the preparation of BPA Board statement to BSA –  30 minutes

6. Proposal for Community Outreach regarding the “BPA-news” policy adopted in November (Doug, Lydia, Nancy) – 20 minutes  

  • A proposal was made to provide background information to the BP community about this policy and solicit their feedback in advance of the March meeting discussion that will review the policy

7. Only if time permits – Business Liaison Job Description. (Markus) – 10 minutes

Future Board Meeting Agenda items

  1. Revision of the BPA-Board policy for BPA-news email (Doug, Lydia, Nancy) – March
  2. Reevaluation of BPA relationship as charter organization of Boy Scout Troop – tbd: sometime following the national BSA May meeting
  3. Review of the Lunar Day Celebration and BPA Board policy for supporting future Diversity Celebration events (Lydia) – March