At last. At last. Our previously derelict little well site is looking fantastic with new landscaping, a pathway, and, most importantly, benches donated by the Barron Park Association and the Henshel family.

This barren looking area alongside the Matadero Well site:

Barren Area alongside Matadero Well site

has been transformed into this welcoming spot with the addition of some landscaping, pathways and benches.

Well site area with benches and landscaping

The Barron Park Association invites you to a little celebration of this accomplishment on:

Sunday, August 25, 2 p.m.
Matadero Well Site near Josina and Tippawingo

Enjoy some cookies and drinks and try out the benches, or bring your own seating. We will have a short program led by Dick Placone who succeeded in bringing this long-delayed project to fruition.

Lynnie Melena