by art liberman | Jul 3, 2013 | BPA Affairs
Fellow members of the BPA – The survey of the membership is now over and here are the results. The subject was whether to approve an expenditure of up to $1000 by the BPA to support the effort to prepare a referendum asking for a city wide vote on the rezoning of the...
by art liberman | Apr 29, 2013 | Email lists
Art Liberman Some time back, the BPA Board created a new email list, BPA-jobpostings. The objective was to create an online version of our kiosk on which folks post notes about some need or special capability they have to offer – whether it be a job they need...
by art liberman | Apr 5, 2013 | BPA Affairs
A change to the section of our bylaws that relates to the election and term of office of the President and Vice President of the Association was approved by the BPA Board at its meeting on March 19, 2013. The essence of the change is that the President and Vice...
by art liberman | Feb 11, 2013 | BPA Affairs
The Board of the Barron Park Association had already planned a review in the Spring 2013 of its role as a chartering organization of a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) troop when, unexpectedly, we received word on February 1 that the BSA National Executive Board was...
by art liberman | Nov 19, 2012 | BPA Affairs, BPA Board Agendas and Minutes
Agenda: BPA Board Meeting: Tuesday, 11/20/12, 7:15 p.m. Location: Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room) 1. Agenda Changes (3 minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes (2 minutes) 3. Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Redevelopment...
by art liberman | Nov 3, 2012 | BPA Affairs, Land Use and Zoning, Zoning and Developments
Lynnie Melena and Art Liberman At the October meeting of the Barron Park Association Board, the Board voted to host a community meeting on the proposed redevelopment of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (on Los Robles near El Camino). The purpose of the community...