BPA-News is a moderated list for announcements of public events and time-sensitive alerts relevant to Barron Park. BPA-news is moderated therefore your posts will not appear until approved by the moderator. Announcements should avoid bias, endorsements, and personal opinions. This list is not for discussion of issues or expressions of personal viewpoints. Typical messages include:
- public events such as city, community, organization, and political meetings.
- alerts about vandalism and other crimes.
- alerts for lost and found pets and other items.
Messages for this group should be sent to BPA-News@googlegroups.com
BPA-misc: This list is for neighbor requests, recommendations, or freebies, excluding items for sale. This list is not for discussion of issues or expressions of personal viewpoints. This list is not moderated. Typical messages include:
- requests for sitters or nannies.
- house repair advice, service recommendations or requests.*
- yard sales, offers of free items.
- houses or apartments for rent by owner (but not by a realtor) in Barron Park.
* As a courtesy, we ask that responses for recommendations be collated by the requestor and sent out to the BPA-misc list for the benefit of everyone on the list.
Messages for this group should be sent to BPA-misc@googlegroups.com
BPA-issues: This list is for presenting point-of-view or discussions of Barron Park related issues. It may be used to discuss matters affecting the neighborhood, including matters that are being considered by the Palo Alto City Council, Palo Alto Unified School District, or City or District Commissions, Committees, or Boards. This list is not moderated.
Messages for this group should be sent to BPA-issues@googlegroups.com