Agenda:  BPA Board Meeting:  Tuesday, 4/16/13, 7:15 p.m.

Location:  Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room)

Anticipated absences (excused):   Markus Fromherz

 Call to order:

1.            Volunteer (or Assignment) of Secretary to take minutes for this meeting.

2.            Agenda Changes (3 minutes)

3.            Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)

4.            Pedestrian Safety on the Bol Park Shared Path (Art Liberman) (20 minutes)  A number of residents have expressed concern about the issue of pedestrian-bicycle safety along the shared path in Bol Park. Art proposes that the Barron Park Association Board vote to recommend that the City of Palo Alto help the situation by installing some signs, to inform and remind bicyclists that they need to slow down and share the path with pedestrians.

5.            Status Report on May Fete (John King) (10 minutes)  The May Fete is scheduled for Sunday, May 19.

6.            Approval of New Member, Lisa Landers, and Possible Re-assignment of Membership Duties to Her. (10 minutes) Lisa Landers lives on Barron Avenue. New members are welcomed by the Board.

7.            Authorization of Expenditure for Updated Software for Membership Data Base:  (Art Liberman) (10 minutes)  Up to $300 is requested for the purchase of an upgraded version of Filemaker Pro.

8.            Presentation of Slate by Nominating Committee (Nancy Hamilton and Linda Elder) and Election of New President, Vice President and Secretary.  (15 minutes) The following have been nominated to serve through the end of 2013. (John King will continue as Treasurer.)

  • President:  Art Liberman
  • Vice President:  Markus Fromherz
  • Secretary:  Lydia Kou

9.            Approval of Diversity Event (Lydia Kou)  Lydia will provide details.

10.        Status reports and updates on other items are being handled primarily through e-mail.  Opportunity for direction and interactions. (5 minutes) [ Green Team, Zoning and Land Use, Traffic, Civic Affairs, Environmental, Native planting]

11.          Proposals for items for future agendas (5 minutes). These items are awaiting space on a future agenda. They will not be discussed at this meeting except to clarify who is taking the lead on each.

  •  Review of the BPA as ‘Chartering’ organization of a Boy Scout Troop (May or June)
  •  Proposal to survey BPA membership attitudes about Buena Vista (date undetermined)
  •  Job description for Business Liaison (date undetermined)

 12.        Adjourn:  NEXT MEETING May 21, 2013.

 13.        Total scheduled time:  80 minutes

Lynnie Melena, BPA President