Lisa Berkowitz Landers

Lisa Berkowitz Landers

Lisa Berkowitz Landers | Membership | email. Resident of Barron Park since 1998 and worked in Palo Alto since 1989. Two children attended Barron Park Elementary School and graduated from Gunn. Board member since 2013.
Gwen Luce

Gwen Luce

Gwen Luce | Welcoming Committee | email. I prepare and distribute Greeting Packets delivered to new residents by Barron Park neighbors. Hosted BPA late summer Welcoming Gatherings for approximately 5 years, 2005-2010. BPA Board member since 1992. Barron Park resident...
Peter Mueller

Peter Mueller

Peter Mueller | Seniors | email. Moved into Barron Park in 1980 after starting a two-decade career at EPRI on Hillview Ave. First job that was within easy bicycle distance. I remained active as an environmental research scientist for 63 years; for 50 of these years...
Jaya Pandey

Jaya Pandey

Jaya Pandey | Environmental Issues | email. We have been Barron Park residents since 2011. I enjoy walking around Bol Park and love seeing Niner and Perry (hidden gems of Palo Alto). Outside Barron Park, me and my family like spending time in Downtown Palo Alto and...
Myrna Rochester

Myrna Rochester

Myrna Rochester | Newsletter Editor | email. I’ve lived in Barron Park since 1977, raising three kids through Creekside, Juana Briones, JLS and Gunn. I taught French language and literature at the college level before switching to a career in foreign language textbook...