by lydia kou | Aug 6, 2015 | Social Events
Please save the evening, Friday, 8/28/2015 for our 3rd Annual Movie Night at Bol Park. More information to follow soon, meanwhile, we need your help choosing a movie. Please review the movies available in the links provided and let us know your preference by...
by lydia kou | Jun 20, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Zoning and Developments
Dear Barron Park Community: I want to be sure to communicate to Barron Park that the Barron Park Association Board of Directors are not opposed to senior housing, low income or otherwise. A couple of proposals were brought before the BPA Board on May 21, 2013 and the...
by lydia kou | Sep 20, 2012 | Emergency Preparation
Quakeville 2012 Quakeville 2012 event is this weekend at Cubberley starting on Saturday September 22. Quakeville is an annual event that provides for the opportunity to involve all community members in Palo Alto, Stanford University and guests to become aware of what...