by art liberman | May 22, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Zoning and Developments
To the Planning and Transportation Commission – May 22, 2013 Summary: The Board of the Barron Park Association understands the need and supports the effort by the Palo Alto Housing Corporation to build affordable housing for seniors. However, we feel the...
by art liberman | May 18, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Zoning and Developments
The Planning and Transportation Commission will be holding a special meting on the proposal from the Palo Alto Housing Corporation to rezone the Maybell-Clemo project site to ‘Planned Community’ (PC). When: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 @ 6:00 PM Where: City...
by art liberman | May 11, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Zoning and Developments
City Planner Tim Wong released two City staff documents pertaining to the proposed Maybell Homes and Clemo Senior Housing project. The first document is the ‘Mitigated Negative Declaration” for the environmental review. The second is a revised...
by art liberman | Apr 29, 2013 | Email lists
Art Liberman Some time back, the BPA Board created a new email list, BPA-jobpostings. The objective was to create an online version of our kiosk on which folks post notes about some need or special capability they have to offer – whether it be a job they need...
by art liberman | Apr 20, 2013 | School Activities and Events
from Greta Gize Olbrich Smita Kolhatkar is the Educational Technology Teacher On Special Assignment (TOSA) at Barron Park Elementary School in Palo Alto. She uses Scratch and Tynker in her school’s lunchtime programming club, which sparked similar programs at other...