by art liberman | Nov 18, 2013 | Land Use and Zoning
The Jay Paul Company has announced it will hold two public meetings to describe their project: a planned community development (PC rezoning) at 395 Page Mill that would add two office buildings, totaling 311,000 square feet on the same site as the 220,000 square foot...
by art liberman | Nov 11, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Public Works and Utilities Info, Streets
What is going to be done: installing new 2” polyethylene gas mains and new 1” service lines to replace aging pipelines. The formal name of this capital improvement project is Gas Main Replacement Project (GMR) 19B/20/21. Where it is going to happen: Following map ...
by art liberman | Nov 6, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Zoning and Developments
My thoughts on the day after the election….. I think those of us living in Barron Park and Greenacres can agree that we have just been through a period that has challenged our community’s cohesiveness. The PAHC housing proposal along Maybell had its supporters...
by art liberman | Oct 15, 2013 | BPA Affairs
Update – At its meeting on October 15th, the BPA Board voted, 8 to 1, to adopt the following resolution: “The Barron Park Association will discontinue its charter of Pack 52 and Troop 52. The Pack 52 charter shall be discontinued as of November 30, 2013...
by art liberman | Sep 26, 2013 | BPA Affairs, Newsletter
The Fall 2013 issue of the Barron Park Newsletter is out and should have reached the mailboxes of all BPA members. If you have not received your issue, send us an email. This issue features the following articles: President’s Message by Art Liberman – on...