by art liberman | Dec 1, 2012 | School Activities and Events
by Greta Gize Olbrich, Barron Park School PTA President Not everybody’s aware that Barron Park School is a special place. But apparently someone at MIT Technology Review got wind of this and is now singing Barron Park’s praises! Barron Park School was...
by art liberman | Nov 28, 2012 | BPA Board Agendas and Minutes
BPA Board Meeting Minutes – provisional until voted on at next Board Meeting : Jan 15, 2013 Attendees: Markus Fromherz, John King, Lydia Kou, Art Liberman Gwen Luce, Lynnie Melena, Doug Moran, Linda Elder Absent: Nancy Hamilton, Christian Kalar (arrived but due...
by art liberman | Nov 20, 2012 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Land Use and Zoning, Zoning and Developments
Lynnie Melena, BPA President Art Liberman, BPA Vice-President We have just received the following information from Curtis Williams, Planning Director of the City of Palo Alto, regarding the status of the Buena Vista mobile home park. The application for closure from...
by art liberman | Nov 19, 2012 | BPA Affairs, BPA Board Agendas and Minutes
Agenda: BPA Board Meeting: Tuesday, 11/20/12, 7:15 p.m. Location: Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room) 1. Agenda Changes (3 minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes (2 minutes) 3. Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Redevelopment...
by art liberman | Nov 3, 2012 | BPA Affairs, Land Use and Zoning, Zoning and Developments
Lynnie Melena and Art Liberman At the October meeting of the Barron Park Association Board, the Board voted to host a community meeting on the proposed redevelopment of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (on Los Robles near El Camino). The purpose of the community...