by art liberman | Mar 21, 2013 | Parks and Creeks
By Art Liberman While walking along the Bol Park shared path, I have had a number of close calls with bicyclists riding at excessive speed. When I mention this to other residents, some tell me that they, too, have had similarly uncomfortable experiences. And I know of...
by art liberman | Mar 10, 2013 | School Activities and Events
from Greta Gize Olbrich IT …as in Information Technology. Barron Park School is the only school in PAUSD, and one in just a handful in the Bay Area that teaches coding in the classroom in a program supported by , a non-profit foundation dedicated to...
by art liberman | Mar 6, 2013 | City Actions and Activities in Barron Park, Streets
In October, I (Art Liberman) published a post on this website about the proposal by the City to create a Bicycle Boulevard on Matadero Ave. While this was one of the “priority proposals” in Palo Alto’s new Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation...
by art liberman | Mar 2, 2013 | BPA Board Agendas and Minutes
BPA Board Meeting Minutes – provisional until voted on at next Board Meeting : Mar 19, 2013 Attendees: Markus Fromherz, Nancy Hamilton, John King, Art Liberman, Gwen Luce, John King, Linda Elder, Doug Moran Absent: Lynnie Melena, Lydia Kou, Christian Kalar Guest: Lisa...
by art liberman | Feb 27, 2013 | Social Events
The 17th Annual Juana Run through Barron Park is this Saturday. This popular event, initiated and organized by Barron Park resident Karen Saxena, benefits the Terman PTA and Gunn Sports Booster’s. It also benefits any participating school or team that signs...