What is going to be done: installing new 2” polyethylene gas mains and new 1” service lines to replace aging pipelines. The formal name of this capital improvement project is Gas Main Replacement Project (GMR) 19B/20/21.
Where it is going to happen: Following map indicates the (blue lines on map) streets where work will take place (click on map for enlarged view):
LaDonna from Barron to Kendall and down Kendall to El Camino,
La Selva
Matadero from Josina to El Camino
Laguna from Laguna Oaks to Shauna Lane
Ilima Court & part of Ilima Way
San Jude
Cass Way
Contractor for the project: Daleo, will be starting work on the streets indicated on the attached map* next Tuesday November 12th. Residents whose gas service may be impacted got a direct notice- (*Laguna Avenue, Ilima Way, Ilima Court, and San Jude Avenue)
If you have questions about this project: contact Debra Katz (contact info below), or contact contractor directly:
Project Contractor: Daleo, Inc. (408) 846-9621
Utilities GMR Project Engineer: An Le (650) 566-4528
Debra Katz
Utilities Communications Manager
City of Palo Alto
PO Box 10250
Palo Alto CA 94303
(650) 329-2474