Fellow members of the BPA – The survey of the membership is now over and here are the results.
Q1. It has been proposed that the BPA contribute up to $1000 towards the effort to qualify the referendum for the ballot.
BPA should not contribute : 50
Abstain (Undecided/No Opinion): 10
Q2. I support/oppose/… having a referendum on this issue, that is, allowing Palo Altans the chance to vote on the rezoning of the Maybell/Clemo property. Note: This is not a question of how you would vote on such a referendum were it to be on the ballot. Nor is this a substitute for signing the petition to have a referendum.
I support having a referendum: 128 (73% of those who voted)
I do not support having a referendum: 14
I oppose having a referendum : 26
Undecided/No Opinion : 8
The results and a bar chart can be downloaded here
The excellent response from our members is proof of the high level of interest in this issue. We received 150 electronic responses, which was from 43% of those to whom we sent an electronic invitation for the Survey Monkey vote. We received 29 paper ballots, from 54% of those who were given a paper ballot (no email address in our database). One paper ballot was dropped off at 11:45 PM. An eighty-nine year lady hopped on her bicycle and rode it down to my house to deliver it in person. The paper ballots were validated and counted by a two person committee: Lisa (Membership Chair) and me.
And I want to congratulate you, our membership, for taking this issue seriously and participating in this vote and letting the Board know your views. It is appropriate that this exercise in local democracy happened at the same time as our national holiday. A number of memberships to the BPA were received during the survey period and we believe it is because they wanted to be part of the process. We welcome them to the BPA and hope that this will motivate others to join the BPA. I also want to thank those of you who have sent me emails with your comments, both about the issue and about the process we followed. If you have some more thoughts to share in the upcoming days, please send them to me. I’d like to hear from you.
Art Liberman, BPA President