Barron Park neighbors – The City Council is going to act next Monday (Dec 17th) on a recommendation by Public Works Staff to eliminate pickups of black garbage carts. Not yet for everybody, just for folks in some as-yet-unidentified area. It’s to be a one year, pilot study in which all wastes would be placed in either the green or blue carts, eliminating entirely the collection from black garbage carts.
The idea is that kitchen wastes now disposed of in the black garbage carts would instead be deposited by those residents in the pilot study area into the green ‘compostable’ carts . These materials would be recovered by the workers after collection, and instead of ending up in landfills, they will be sent to some composting facility. Some of the other the smelly stuff – including dirty diapers and bags of doggy poop – along with other ‘garbage’ materials would go into the blue ‘recycling’ carts, and be separated by workers at another site. The one year pilot would start in March 2013, and data collected would determine feasibility of applying this change to residential collections citywide.
You can read the staff report here:
What do you think about this ? A discussion has started on BPA-issues email list.
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Any incentive for those of us who already compost our own kitchen waste?