Agenda:  BPA Board Meeting:  Tuesday, 11/20/12, 7:15  p.m.

Location:  Barron Park School Room 2 (former kindergarten room)

1.            Agenda Changes (3 minutes)

2.            Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)

3.            Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Redevelopment (15 minutes) (Lynnie Melena and Art Liberman)  As a follow-up to the Board’s decision last month to host a community meeting on potential redevelopment of Buena Vista, Lynnie and Art have met with the developer (see previous post on this web site for complete summary and update on impacts on tenants).  Based on timing of other activities, this meeting should be scheduled for January. Discuss date, format and Board participation.

4.            Annual Meeting Date and Topic (10 minutes).  (Lynnie Melena) Set meeting date (Superbowl is February 3) and possible topics for annual meeting. Discuss Board participation.

5.            New Board Members and Officers (20 minutes) (Lynnie Melena) This was continued from the last meeting, as Lynnie and Linda wish to resign from their offices.

6.            Email Lists (15 minutes) (Lynnie Melena) This is to clarify policy on use of our email lists, stemming from a request for Board feedback in September on whether it is appropriate to use BPA-news for disseminating opinions. Or should “purpose” be changed?

7.            Agenda Setting (5 minutes) (Christian Kalar) This is a request to discuss how the agenda is set for each meeting.  Practice is for the president to send out a draft to the Board on Friday or Saturday and request additions and corrections by Sunday evening.

8.            Newsletter Articles (5 minutes) (Nancy Hamilton) Deadline is December 1.

9.            Status reports and updates on these items are being handled primarily through e-mail.  Opportunity for direction and interactions. (5 minutes)

  •        Zoning and Land Use, Traffic, Civic Affairs, Environmental, Native Planting
  •        Green Team:  Doug Graham gave a talk on Barron Park creeks on November 8 with about 50 people in attendance.  And the Green Team planted more  native plants at Bol Park  on November 10.

10.        Introduction of items for future agendas (5 minutes)

11.        Adjourn:  NEXT MEETING January 15, 2013.

12.        Total scheduled time:  85 minutes

Guests are welcome, but are requested to notify the BPA President so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you (seating and possibly reordering of the agenda).

Questions and comments about agenda items should be directed to the person/people whose name is next to that entry: email addresses are here:   BPA Board Members